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We want to help you to be more informed.
We provide a news reader with a quite good ranking system if a lot of people use ShareRace.
First of all we do not just distribute news.
We want people to interact with them (like vote, comment or tag friends). So ShareRace is not just about reading news. It's more like interacting with them.
The second point is the algorithm. Out of the interactions with every individual aritcle we distribute, the algorithm calculates the ranking in real-time.
So if you vote on an article, that article might will have a higher rank instantly.
If you visit ShareRace for the first time you will see the home-feed. That feed shows you all (really all) content of all feeds we listed with our ranking.
Ever news-feed is sorted by our algorithm (top stories) and by most recent. And these sorts will appear in every single news-feed we provide.
If you are a registered user you are able to follow categories and soon individual feeds.
All the content you are following will then appear in your personal following-feed where you will get your personal ranking (with the algorithm). Also you are able to read the content by most recent.
On ShareRace you are not just getting news from one publisher. You get the news from dozens of publishers so that you can create your own opinion. You can see instantly what´s going on in the world.
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