How can we recruit more crowdfunders for Tessin?
How can we recruit more crowdfunders for Tessin?
Participation in this hunt is by invitation only

How can we recruit more crowdfunders for Tessin?

Tessin makes it possible for anyone to invest in property through crowdfunding.

Our challenge We want your ideas for how to recruit more people that want to crowdfund property on Tessin.

We're also interesting in ideas on how to find more real estate developers.

This is what we're doing so far

  • Native ads (works great for us)
  • CRO (more work to be done)
  • Podcasts (Börspodden)
  • Response based markering (we know the cost of reach crowdfunder for each channel and the LTV and constantly try to improved these numbers) .
  • Affiliates (mostly blogs with CPA deals)

Challenge for is us is to keep our advertisement in line with local laws. Our interpretation is that you're only allowed to market these type of projects to closed group. That's why active projects are behind a login. Other equity crowdfunding services have a more "lets-see-what-happens" approach.

Start:May 9, 2016
End:May 24, 2016


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By Jesper Petersson